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Title: Global fashion retailers' response strategies toward external and internal crises during the covid-19 pandemic and consumer perceptions about brands' responses
Author: Cardoso, António
Cueille, Victor
Figueiredo, Jorge
Oliveira, Isabel
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Cardoso, António, e outros (2022) - Global fashion retailers' response strategies toward external and internal crises during the covid-19 pandemic and consumer perceptions about brands' responses. In International Workshop in Marketing, 1, Porto, 2022. Sustainability and resilience. Porto : Universidade Lusíada. P.---.
Description: Sustainability and resilience / 1st International Workshop in Marketing. - Porto : Universidade Lusíada, 2022. P. --- .
Peer reviewed: yes
Document Type: Book Chapter
Appears in Collections:[ILID-COMEGI] Contribuições em livros

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