Browsing by Subject Personality

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
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2021_Soc.Psychol.Personal.Sci - Humor_Personality.pdf.jpg2021Humor and personality : temperament and character have different rolesMoreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Cloninger, C. RobertArticleOpen Access
2015_Front.Psychol - Personality_WB_Adolescents OA.PUBLISHER.VERSION.pdf.jpg2015Personality and well-being in adolescentsMoreira, Paulo; Cloninger, C. Robert; Dinis, Liliana; Sá, Laura; Oliveira, João T.; Dias, Adelaide; Oliveira, JoanaArticleOpen Access
2020_J.Happi.Stud - Personality_Attachment_WB.pdf.jpg2020Personality, attachment, and well-being in adolescents : the independent effect of attachment after controlling for personalityMoreira, Paulo; Pedras, Susana; Silva, Márcia; Moreira, Maria; Oliveira, JoanaArticleOpen Access
2021_Curr.Psychol - React_Personality.pdf.jpg2021Reactance and personality : assessing psychological reactance using a biopsychosocial and person-centered approachMoreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Cloninger, C. RobertArticleOpen Access
2021_Br.J.Educ.Psychol - Engage_Personality.pdf.jpg2021Student engagement with school and personality: a biopsychosocial and person-centered approachMoreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Cloninger, Kevin; Cloninger, C. RobertArticleOpen Access
2020_EJIHPE - OA.PUBLISHER.VERSION.pdf.jpg2020Students’ personality contributes more to academic performance than well-being and learning approach : implications for sustainable development and educationMoreira, Paulo; Pedras, Susana; Pombo, PaulaArticleOpen Access
2020_Scand.J.Educ - and Pers_.pdf.jpg2020The psychobiological model of personality and its association with student approaches to learning : Integrating temperament and characterMoreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Rosa, Inês; Cloninger, Kevin; Duarte, António; Cloninger, C. RobertArticleOpen Access
2019_PeerJ_TCIR_IPV. OA.PUBLISHER.VERSION.pdf.jpg2019Understanding the experience of psychopathology after intimate partner violence: the role of personalityMoreira, PauloArticleOpen Access
2021_J.Posit.Psychol - Virtues_Personality OA.PUBLISHER.VERSION.pdf.jpg2021Virtues in action are related to the integration of both temperament and character : comparing the VIA classification of virtues and Cloninger’s biopsychosocial model of personalityMoreira, Paulo; Inman, Richard A.; Cloninger, C. RobertArticleOpen Access