Downloads and views - Time Series

Number of downloads and views in the period.

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Item Handle
(eg. 1822/417)


Title : A importância dos percursos profissionais na formação contínua e nas construções identitárias dos assistentes sociais
Entry Date : 19-09-2018
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2018 7,0 33
2019 87,0 116
2020 49,0 143
2021 9,0 20
152,0 312
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 313,0 75,60
Portugal Portugal 63,0 15,22
Germany Germany 10,0 2,42
China China 8,0 1,93
Latvia Latvia 7,0 1,69
Mozambique Mozambique 5,0 1,21
Angola Angola 2,0 0,48
New Zealand New Zealand 2,0 0,48
Brazil Brazil 1,0 0,24
United Kingdom United Kingdom 1,0 0,24
Poland Poland 1,0 0,24
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 1,0 0,24
414,0 100,00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 575 58,32
Germany Germany 104 10,55
Portugal Portugal 69 7,00
Latvia Latvia 63 6,39
Canada Canada 48 4,87
France France 40 4,06
Sweden Sweden 18 1,83
China China 17 1,72
United Kingdom United Kingdom 9 0,91
Ireland Ireland 9 0,91
N/A N/A 7 0,71
Brazil Brazil 6 0,61
Mozambique Mozambique 5 0,51
Turkey Turkey 4 0,41
Belgium Belgium 2 0,20
Argentina Argentina 2 0,20
Australia Australia 2 0,20
Singapore Singapore 2 0,20
Angola Angola 2 0,20
Netherlands Netherlands 1 0,10
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 1 0,10
986 100,00