Downloads and views - Time Series

Number of downloads and views in the period.

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(eg. 1822/417)


Title : Ruy Jervis d’Athouguia : a Casa Sande e Castro e a arquitetura modernista em Cascais
Entry Date : 13-11-2018
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2018 7,0 82
2019 140,5 268
2020 194,0 299
2021 45,5 74
387,0 723
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
Portugal Portugal 554,0 46,21
United States United States 521,5 43,49
Russian Federation Russian Federation 19,0 1,58
Germany Germany 13,0 1,08
Brazil Brazil 11,0 0,92
Czech Republic Czech Republic 9,5 0,79
China China 7,5 0,63
N/A N/A 6,5 0,54
Mozambique Mozambique 6,5 0,54
Switzerland Switzerland 6,0 0,50
France France 4,5 0,38
Latvia Latvia 3,5 0,29
Spain Spain 3,5 0,29
United Kingdom United Kingdom 3,5 0,29
Canada Canada 3,5 0,29
Sweden Sweden 2,5 0,21
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,0 0,17
Bolivia Bolivia 2,0 0,17
Italy Italy 1,5 0,13
Peru Peru 1,5 0,13
New Zealand New Zealand 1,5 0,13
Ireland Ireland 1,5 0,13
Turkey Turkey 1,0 0,08
Angola Angola 1,0 0,08
Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada 1,0 0,08
Japan Japan 1,0 0,08
Austria Austria 1,0 0,08
Singapore Singapore 1,0 0,08
Uruguay Uruguay 1,0 0,08
Taiwan Taiwan 1,0 0,08
Mauritius Mauritius 0,5 0,04
Netherlands Netherlands 0,5 0,04
Hungary Hungary 0,5 0,04
Tunisia Tunisia 0,5 0,04
Malaysia Malaysia 0,5 0,04
Argentina Argentina 0,5 0,04
India India 0,5 0,04
Belgium Belgium 0,5 0,04
South Africa South Africa 0,5 0,04
Cape Verde Cape Verde 0,5 0,04
Greece Greece 0,5 0,04
1.199,0 100,00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 765 43,39
Portugal Portugal 683 38,74
Latvia Latvia 65 3,69
Germany Germany 60 3,40
France France 35 1,99
Canada Canada 29 1,64
China China 21 1,19
Brazil Brazil 12 0,68
Switzerland Switzerland 12 0,68
United Kingdom United Kingdom 11 0,62
N/A N/A 9 0,51
Sweden Sweden 8 0,45
Ireland Ireland 8 0,45
Mozambique Mozambique 6 0,34
Spain Spain 4 0,23
Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada 4 0,23
India India 3 0,17
Italy Italy 3 0,17
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 3 0,17
Belgium Belgium 3 0,17
Netherlands Netherlands 3 0,17
Peru Peru 2 0,11
South Africa South Africa 2 0,11
Colombia Colombia 2 0,11
Russian Federation Russian Federation 2 0,11
Mongolia Mongolia 1 0,06
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 1 0,06
Singapore Singapore 1 0,06
Poland Poland 1 0,06
Uruguay Uruguay 1 0,06
Argentina Argentina 1 0,06
Japan Japan 1 0,06
Macau Macau 1 0,06
1.763 100,00