Downloads and views - Time Series

Number of downloads and views in the period.

Total Year Month Day

Item Handle
(eg. 1822/417)


Title : Os modos de solução pacífica de conflitos entre a administração pública e os administrados : a susceptibilidade de mediação pelo Provedor de Justiça
Entry Date : 23-10-2018
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2018 12,0 50
2019 87,0 102
2020 98,0 143
2021 13,0 20
210,0 315
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 364,0 63,19
Portugal Portugal 107,0 18,58
Mozambique Mozambique 25,0 4,34
Brazil Brazil 23,0 3,99
Angola Angola 13,0 2,26
China China 8,0 1,39
Latvia Latvia 7,0 1,22
Turkey Turkey 4,0 0,69
Germany Germany 4,0 0,69
Poland Poland 3,0 0,52
Russian Federation Russian Federation 3,0 0,52
Czech Republic Czech Republic 3,0 0,52
N/A N/A 3,0 0,52
Canada Canada 2,0 0,35
Macau Macau 2,0 0,35
South Africa South Africa 1,0 0,17
Spain Spain 1,0 0,17
New Zealand New Zealand 1,0 0,17
Sweden Sweden 1,0 0,17
United Kingdom United Kingdom 1,0 0,17
576,0 100,00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 592 58,15
Germany Germany 108 10,61
Portugal Portugal 65 6,39
Latvia Latvia 63 6,19
Canada Canada 46 4,52
France France 34 3,34
China China 28 2,75
Sweden Sweden 27 2,65
Brazil Brazil 20 1,96
United Kingdom United Kingdom 10 0,98
Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada 7 0,69
Ireland Ireland 3 0,29
Turkey Turkey 3 0,29
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau 2 0,20
Argentina Argentina 2 0,20
Australia Australia 2 0,20
Angola Angola 2 0,20
Netherlands Netherlands 1 0,10
Mongolia Mongolia 1 0,10
Austria Austria 1 0,10
Spain Spain 1 0,10
1.018 100,00