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Título : A política externa portuguesa e a neutralidade peninsular na II Guerra Mundial (1939-1942)
Data entrada : 20-07-2016
Downloads e ConsultasExport
Ano Downloads Consultas
2016 78,0 157
2017 279,5 275
2018 223,0 252
2019 244,5 171
2020 350,5 385
2021 39,5 68
1.215,0 1.308
Downloads e Consultas por ano
Downloads por país (top 10)
Consultas por país (top 10)
Downloads por paísExport
Origem Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 941,5 40,69
Portugal Portugal 915,0 39,54
Brazil Brazil 72,0 3,11
N/A N/A 54,0 2,33
Mozambique Mozambique 44,0 1,90
Russian Federation Russian Federation 38,0 1,64
Germany Germany 35,5 1,53
France France 32,5 1,40
Czech Republic Czech Republic 25,0 1,08
United Kingdom United Kingdom 20,0 0,86
Angola Angola 17,0 0,73
Ireland Ireland 12,0 0,52
Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada 10,5 0,45
Romania Romania 10,0 0,43
Belarus Belarus 8,5 0,37
Italy Italy 8,0 0,35
China China 7,5 0,32
Belgium Belgium 5,5 0,24
Macau Macau 5,5 0,24
Spain Spain 5,5 0,24
Turkey Turkey 4,0 0,17
Canada Canada 3,5 0,15
Switzerland Switzerland 3,5 0,15
Latvia Latvia 3,5 0,15
Sweden Sweden 2,5 0,11
Netherlands Netherlands 2,5 0,11
Poland Poland 2,0 0,09
Japan Japan 1,5 0,06
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,5 0,06
South Africa South Africa 1,5 0,06
Serbia Serbia 1,5 0,06
New Zealand New Zealand 1,5 0,06
Croatia Croatia 1,5 0,06
Algeria Algeria 1,0 0,04
Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of 1,0 0,04
Slovakia Slovakia 1,0 0,04
Timor-Leste Timor-Leste 1,0 0,04
Cape Verde Cape Verde 1,0 0,04
Ukraine Ukraine 1,0 0,04
Europe Europe 1,0 0,04
Peru Peru 1,0 0,04
Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire 0,5 0,02
India India 0,5 0,02
Finland Finland 0,5 0,02
Singapore Singapore 0,5 0,02
Iraq Iraq 0,5 0,02
Taiwan Taiwan 0,5 0,02
Kuwait Kuwait 0,5 0,02
Vietnam Vietnam 0,5 0,02
Luxembourg Luxembourg 0,5 0,02
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau 0,5 0,02
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 0,5 0,02
Senegal Senegal 0,5 0,02
Greece Greece 0,5 0,02
Paraguay Paraguay 0,5 0,02
Lithuania Lithuania 0,5 0,02
Bulgaria Bulgaria 0,5 0,02
2.314,0 100,00
Consultas por paísExport
Origem Consultas Perc.(%)
United States United States 1.333 46,19
Portugal Portugal 820 28,41
Germany Germany 214 7,42
Canada Canada 64 2,22
Latvia Latvia 62 2,15
Brazil Brazil 57 1,98
Ireland Ireland 52 1,80
France France 44 1,52
United Kingdom United Kingdom 34 1,18
N/A N/A 32 1,11
Sweden Sweden 28 0,97
Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada 27 0,94
China China 22 0,76
Mozambique Mozambique 14 0,49
Angola Angola 10 0,35
Turkey Turkey 9 0,31
Ukraine Ukraine 8 0,28
Spain Spain 6 0,21
Netherlands Netherlands 5 0,17
Austria Austria 5 0,17
Poland Poland 4 0,14
Belgium Belgium 4 0,14
Australia Australia 3 0,10
Italy Italy 3 0,10
Serbia Serbia 3 0,10
Macau Macau 2 0,07
Cape Verde Cape Verde 2 0,07
Argentina Argentina 2 0,07
Belarus Belarus 2 0,07
Timor-Leste Timor-Leste 2 0,07
Albania Albania 2 0,07
Switzerland Switzerland 1 0,03
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau 1 0,03
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 0,03
Mongolia Mongolia 1 0,03
Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 1 0,03
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe 1 0,03
Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of 1 0,03
Europe Europe 1 0,03
Vietnam Vietnam 1 0,03
Czech Republic Czech Republic 1 0,03
Greece Greece 1 0,03
2.886 100,00