Downloads and views - Time Series

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Title : Mobility for learners and staff - higher education students and staff mobility inter-institutional agreement 2014-20(21) between programme countries - Sciences Po Toulouse and and Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa
Entry Date : 13-05-2016
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2016 17,0 94
2017 7,0 38
2018 1,0 26
2019 1,0 28
2020 0,0 46
2021 0,0 6
26,0 238
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 14,0 48,28
Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada 7,0 24,14
China China 5,0 17,24
Portugal Portugal 2,0 6,90
Germany Germany 1,0 3,45
29,0 100,00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 510 69,11
Latvia Latvia 63 8,54
Canada Canada 37 5,01
China China 28 3,79
Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada 26 3,52
Germany Germany 21 2,85
Portugal Portugal 17 2,30
Belgium Belgium 9 1,22
United Kingdom United Kingdom 6 0,81
N/A N/A 3 0,41
France France 3 0,41
Switzerland Switzerland 2 0,27
Ireland Ireland 2 0,27
Ukraine Ukraine 2 0,27
Turkey Turkey 2 0,27
Vietnam Vietnam 1 0,14
Sweden Sweden 1 0,14
Norway Norway 1 0,14
Australia Australia 1 0,14
Czech Republic Czech Republic 1 0,14
Austria Austria 1 0,14
Argentina Argentina 1 0,14
738 100,00